AGAINST and FOR the Turin Shroud

about these ARGUMENTS

S&V : paper against the TS
VSD : paper for the TS

Carbon-14 dating

S&V - Page 110
Since 1988, the matter seemed closed: thanks to carbon-14 dating, the shroud of Turin, supposed to have wrapped the Christ body, had acknowledged its age: less than 800 years! However, some scientists persist to proclaim its authenticity, pieces of research in support, with the risk to betray the science they are supposed to serve.

S&V - Pages 113-114
To be clear about it, in 1988, three prestigious laboratories belonging to Polytechnicum of Zurich (Swiss), and to the universities of Oxford (the United Kingdom) and Tucson (Arizona, the United States) carried out simultaneously the carbon-14 dating of a sample of the funerary linen under the supervision of British Museum. Their concordant results were made public in October 1988 and published in the Nature magazine, in February 1989. For these laboratories, the shroud would date from 1260 to 1390 A.D with a rate of certainty of 95%.

A priori, the matter seemed closed. And yet not. Because to be scientifically established, these conclusions are not less regularly disputed by the « sindonologists » (the partisans of the authenticity of the shroud invented the term « sindonology » to designate the science who studies it).

VSD - Page 24
Also thorough and rigorous which is, historical research on the age of an object brings only strong presumptions. For who wants to approach more the certainty, there is a physicochemical method known as « carbon-14 » dating. One used this method in 1988, and the measurements were independently carried out by three independent laboratories. Each laboratory received a sample of the linen cloth, and the results led to an apparently final conclusion: the manufacture date of the shroud of Turin is between 1260 and 1390.

One cannot however remain about it there because, even if general public does not know it and so certain scientists pretend to be unaware of it, the carbon-14 dating was seriously called into question.

VSD - Page 28
Almost all of the research undertaken until 1988 went rather in the direction of the authenticity. At this point in time the dating of the fabric by carbon-14 re-opened the whole question, locating the time of its manufacture in the range 1260-1390, which corresponds to the date of its appearance in France.

This result started again with force the thesis of the forger of the Middle Ages. But this dating caused and causes still many controversies. For some people, it was not carried out with the scientific rigour necessary and the results are unconfirmed.

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Carbon-14 dating

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